USE [qylyk] GO /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[PI_ZYCX] Script Date: 11/09/2022 09:18:02 ******/ SET ANSI_NULLS ON GO SET QUOTED_IDENTIFIER ON GO --exec [PI_ZYCX] '1070004' ALTER proc [dbo].[PI_ZYCX] @CardCode varchar(20) as ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ select '客户账余情况查询' as '类型','0' as '余额' union all select t.lx as '类型', t.ctotal'余额' from ( select '返利账余' as lx ,isnull(aa.cardcode,'')U_cardcode ,case when (isnull(,0)+isnull(c.AppTotal,0))=0 then 0 else isnull(,0)+isnull(c.AppTotal,0) end total ,isnull(b.LineTotal,0)-isnull(d.ktotal,0) as LineTotal ,isnull(,0)+isnull(c.AppTotal,0)+isnull(d.ktotal,0)-isnull(b.LineTotal,0) as ctotal from OCRD aa left join (select U_cardcode,SUM(U_total)total from [@FLZY] group by U_cardcode) a on aa.CardCode=a.U_cardcode left join (select a.CardCode ,b.U_PSTYPE,sum(LineTotal)linetotal from ORDR a ,RDR1 b where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.CANCELED='N' and b.U_PSTYPE='返利订单' and b.LinManClsd='N' group by a.CardCode ,b.U_PSTYPE ) b on aa.cardcode=b.cardcode left join ( select cardcode ,sum(AppTotal)AppTotal from REPDBD_DG..CostApp where IsCustCost='1' and zftype='返利帐余' and ApproStatus='Y' group by cardcode )c on aa.cardcode =c.cardcode left join (select a.CardCode ,b.U_PSTYPE,sum(LineTotal)ktotal from ORIN a ,RIN1 b where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.CANCELED='N' and b.U_PSTYPE='返利订单' and b.LinManClsd='N' group by a.CardCode ,b.U_PSTYPE )D on aa.cardcode=D.cardcode union all select '随货搭赠账余' as lx ,isnull(aa.cardcode,'')U_cardcode ,isnull(,0)+isnull(c.AppTotal,0) as total,isnull(b.LineTotal,0)-isnull(d.ktotal,0) as LineTotal ,isnull(,0)+isnull(c.AppTotal,0)+isnull(d.ktotal,0)-isnull(b.LineTotal,0) as ctotal from ocrd AA left join(select U_cardcode,SUM(U_total)total from [@DZZY] group by U_cardcode) a on aa.CardCode=a.U_cardcode left join (select a.CardCode ,b.U_PSTYPE,sum(LineTotal)linetotal from ORDR a ,RDR1 b where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.CANCELED='N' and b.U_PSTYPE='随货搭赠订单' and b.LinManClsd='N' group by a.CardCode ,b.U_PSTYPE ) b on aa.cardcode=b.cardcode left join ( select cardcode ,sum(AppTotal)AppTotal from REPDBD_DG..CostApp where IsCustCost='1' and zftype='随货搭赠帐余' and ApproStatus='Y' group by cardcode )c on aa.cardcode =c.cardcode left join (select a.CardCode ,b.U_PSTYPE,sum(LineTotal)ktotal from ORIN a ,RIN1 b where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.CANCELED='N' and b.U_PSTYPE='随货搭赠订单' and b.LinManClsd='N' group by a.CardCode ,b.U_PSTYPE ) d on aa.cardcode=d.cardcode union all --现金账余-- select '标准订单额度' as lx,T1.cardcode as U_cardcode,,T2.LineTotal,isnull(,0)-isnull(T2.LineTotal,0) as ctotal from ( select aa.cardcode,sum( from ( select CardCode as cardcode,1000 as total from OCRD where CardType='C' ---信用额度1000 --union all -- select cardcode,ISNULL(U_XY,0) as total --from OCRD --where CardType='C' ---临时信用额度 union all select b.ShortName as cardcode ,case when b.Debit=0 and b.Credit>0 then b.Credit when b.Debit=0 and b.Credit<0 then -b.Credit when b.Debit>0 and b.Credit=0 then -b.Debit when b.Debit<0 and b.Credit=0 then b.Debit else 0 end total from OJDT a,JDT1 b,OCRD c where a.TransId=b.TransId and b.ShortName=c.CardCode and (a.TransType='-2' or (a.TransType='30' and a.Memo like '%OB%')) and b.account='112201' and b.ShortName<>'YS001' ---OB期初 union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,t2.Credit as total from [dbo].[OJDT] t1 join [dbo].[JDT1] t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId left join [dbo].[OCRD] t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where ISNULL (t1.[Ref3] ,'')<>'' and t2.[ShortName] <>'YS001' and t2.ContraAct<>'21810199' and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e ) ) ---收款确认上账 union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,case when t2.Credit<>0 then t2.Credit else -t2.Debit end as total from [dbo].[OJDT] t1 join [dbo].[JDT1] t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId left join [dbo].[OCRD] t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where ISNULL (t1.[Ref3] ,'')='' and t2.[ShortName] <>'YS001' and t2.ContraAct<>'21810199' and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 and ISNULL(t2.U_cgys,'')='2' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e where e.[DataSource] ='I' ) ) union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,-(CASE when t2.Debit <>0 then t2.Debit else -t2.Credit end) as total from OJDT t1 join JDT1 t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId join OCRD t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where t2.U_KHKK ='2' and t3.CardType ='C' and t1.TransType ='30' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e ) ) and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 --扣款 union all select a.cardcode,a.SQJE as total from REPDBD_DG.dbo.XYED a ,OCRD b where a.cardcode=b.CardCode and getdate()>=KSSJ AND getdate()<=JSSJ and ApproStatus='Y' ---OA发货担保 union all select a.cardcode,a.AppTotal as total from REPDBD_DG..CostApp a,OCRD b where a.cardcode=b.CardCode and IsCustCost='1' and zftype='现金账余' and ApproStatus='Y' ---OA特批费用核保上账 union all select U_cardcode,sum(ISNULL(U_total,0))total from [@XJZY] group by U_cardcode ---现金账余表 )aa group by aa.cardcode )T1 --累计账余 left join ( select bb.cardcode,sum( from ( select a.cardcode,sum(b.LineTotal) as total from ORDR a ,RDR1 b ,OCRD c where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.cardcode=c.cardcode and a.CANCELED='N' and (b.U_PSTYPE like '%标准订单%' or b.U_PSTYPE like '%现金订单%') and b.LinManClsd='N' group by a.DocDate,a.cardcode,a.DocEntry ---销售订单 union All select a.cardcode,-sum(b.LineTotal) as total from ORIN a ,RIN1 b ,OCRD c where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.cardcode=c.cardcode and a.CANCELED='N' and (b.U_PSTYPE like '%标准订单%' or b.U_PSTYPE like '%现金订单%') and isnull(U_CloseBy,'')='' group by a.DocDate,a.cardcode,a.DocEntry ---销售贷项 )bb group by bb.cardcode )T2 --累计使用账余 on t1.cardcode =t2.CardCode union all --项目食品额度 select '项目食品额度' as lx,T10.cardcode as U_cardcode,isnull(,0),isnull(T5.LineTotal,0),isnull(,0)-isnull(T5.LineTotal,0) as ctotal from ocrd t10 LEFT JOIN ( select bb.cardcode,sum( from ( select a.cardcode,sum(b.LineTotal) as total from ORDR a ,RDR1 b ,OCRD c ,oitm d where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.cardcode=c.cardcode and a.CANCELED='N' and (b.U_PSTYPE like '%标准订单%' ) and b.LinManClsd='N' AND (b.itemcode = d.itemcode and d.itmsgrpcod = '103') and a.DocDate >= '20190901' group by a.DocDate,a.cardcode,a.DocEntry ---销售订单 union All select a.cardcode,-sum(b.LineTotal) as total from ORIN a ,RIN1 b ,OCRD c ,oitm d where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.cardcode=c.cardcode and a.CANCELED='N' and (b.U_PSTYPE like '%标准订单%' ) and isnull(U_CloseBy,'')='' AND (b.itemcode = d.itemcode and d.itmsgrpcod = '103') AND a.DocDate >= '20190901' group by a.DocDate,a.cardcode,a.DocEntry ---销售贷项 )bb group by bb.cardcode )T5 on t10.cardcode=T5.cardcode --累计使用账余 left join ( select aa.cardcode,sum( from ( select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,t2.Credit as total from [dbo].[OJDT] t1 join [dbo].[JDT1] t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId and t1.refdate > '20190801' left join [dbo].[OCRD] t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where ISNULL (t1.[Ref3] ,'')<>'' and t2.[ShortName] <>'YS001' and t2.ContraAct<>'21810199' and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 and t2.LineMemo like '%项目食品款%' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e ) ) ---收款确认上账 union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,case when t2.Credit>0 then t2.Credit else -t2.Debit end as total from [dbo].[OJDT] t1 join [dbo].[JDT1] t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId and t1.refdate > '20190801' left join [dbo].[OCRD] t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where ISNULL (t1.[Ref3] ,'')='' and t2.[ShortName] <>'YS001' and t2.ContraAct<>'21810199' and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 and ISNULL(t2.U_cgys,'')='2' and t2.LineMemo like '%项目食品款%' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e where e.[DataSource] ='I' ) ) union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,-(CASE when t2.Debit >0 then t2.Debit else -t2.Credit end) as total from OJDT t1 join JDT1 t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId and t1.refdate > '20190801' join OCRD t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where t2.U_KHKK ='2' and t3.CardType ='C' and t1.TransType ='30' and t2.LineMemo like '%项目食品款%' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e ) ) and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 --扣款 union all select U_cardcode,sum(ISNULL(U_total,0))total from [@SPXJZY] group by U_cardcode ---食品上账表 )aa group by aa.cardcode )T4 on t4.cardcode =t10.CardCode where t10.cardtype = 'C' and t10.frozenfor = 'N' union all select '果冻额度' as lx,T11.cardcode as U_cardcode,,T12.LineTotal,isnull(,0)-isnull(T12.LineTotal,0)-isnull(T14.Total,0)+isnull(T15.LineTotal,0) as ctotal from ( select aa.cardcode,sum( from ( select CardCode as cardcode,1000 as total from OCRD where CardType='C' ---信用额度1000 union all select b.ShortName as cardcode ,case when b.Debit=0 and b.Credit>0 then b.Credit when b.Debit=0 and b.Credit<0 then -b.Credit when b.Debit>0 and b.Credit=0 then -b.Debit when b.Debit<0 and b.Credit=0 then b.Debit else 0 end total from OJDT a,JDT1 b,OCRD c where a.TransId=b.TransId and b.ShortName=c.CardCode and (a.TransType='-2' or (a.TransType='30' and a.Memo like '%OB%')) and b.account='112201' and b.ShortName<>'YS001' ---OB期初 union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,t2.Credit as total from [dbo].[OJDT] t1 join [dbo].[JDT1] t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId left join [dbo].[OCRD] t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where ISNULL (t1.[Ref3] ,'')<>'' and t2.[ShortName] <>'YS001' and t2.ContraAct<>'21810199' and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e ) ) ---收款确认上账 union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,case when t2.Credit<>0 then t2.Credit else -t2.Debit end as total from [dbo].[OJDT] t1 join [dbo].[JDT1] t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId left join [dbo].[OCRD] t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where ISNULL (t1.[Ref3] ,'')='' and t2.[ShortName] <>'YS001' and t2.ContraAct<>'21810199' and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 and ISNULL(t2.U_cgys,'')='2' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e where e.[DataSource] ='I' ) ) union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,-(CASE when t2.Debit <>0 then t2.Debit else -t2.Credit end) as total from OJDT t1 join JDT1 t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId join OCRD t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where t2.U_KHKK ='2' and t3.CardType ='C' and t1.TransType ='30' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e ) ) and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 --扣款 union all select a.cardcode,a.SQJE as total from REPDBD_DG.dbo.XYED a ,OCRD b where a.cardcode=b.CardCode and getdate()>=KSSJ AND getdate()<=JSSJ and ApproStatus='Y' ---OA发货担保 union all select a.cardcode,a.AppTotal as total from REPDBD_DG..CostApp a,OCRD b where a.cardcode=b.CardCode and IsCustCost='1' and zftype='现金账余' and ApproStatus='Y' ---OA特批费用核保上账 union all select U_cardcode,sum(ISNULL(U_total,0))total from [@XJZY] group by U_cardcode ---现金账余表 )aa group by aa.cardcode )T11 --累计账余 left join ( select bb.cardcode,sum( from ( select a.cardcode,sum(b.LineTotal) as total from ORDR a ,RDR1 b ,OCRD c where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.cardcode=c.cardcode and a.CANCELED='N' and (b.U_PSTYPE like '%标准订单%' or b.U_PSTYPE like '%现金订单%') and b.LinManClsd='N' group by a.DocDate,a.cardcode,a.DocEntry ---销售订单 union All select a.cardcode,-sum(b.LineTotal) as total from ORIN a ,RIN1 b ,OCRD c where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.cardcode=c.cardcode and a.CANCELED='N' and (b.U_PSTYPE like '%标准订单%' or b.U_PSTYPE like '%现金订单%') and isnull(U_CloseBy,'')='' group by a.DocDate,a.cardcode,a.DocEntry ---销售贷项 )bb group by bb.cardcode )T12 --累计使用账余 on t11.cardcode =t12.CardCode left join ( select aa.cardcode,sum( from ( select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,t2.Credit as total from [dbo].[OJDT] t1 join [dbo].[JDT1] t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId and t1.refdate > '20190801' left join [dbo].[OCRD] t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where ISNULL (t1.[Ref3] ,'')<>'' and t2.[ShortName] <>'YS001' and t2.ContraAct<>'21810199' and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 and t2.LineMemo like '%项目食品款%' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e ) ) ---收款确认上账 union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,case when t2.Credit>0 then t2.Credit else -t2.Debit end as total from [dbo].[OJDT] t1 join [dbo].[JDT1] t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId and t1.refdate > '20190801' left join [dbo].[OCRD] t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where ISNULL (t1.[Ref3] ,'')='' and t2.[ShortName] <>'YS001' and t2.ContraAct<>'21810199' and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 and ISNULL(t2.U_cgys,'')='2' and t2.LineMemo like '%项目食品款%' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e where e.[DataSource] ='I' ) ) union all select t2.ShortName as cardcode ,-(CASE when t2.Debit >0 then t2.Debit else -t2.Credit end) as total from OJDT t1 join JDT1 t2 on t1.TransId =t2.TransId and t1.refdate > '20190801' join OCRD t3 on t3.CardCode =t2.ShortName where t2.U_KHKK ='2' and t3.CardType ='C' and t1.TransType ='30' and t2.LineMemo like '%项目食品款%' and t1.[TransId] not in (select w.[TransId] from [dbo].[OJDT] w where w.[TransId] in (select e.[StornoToTr] from [dbo].[OJDT] e ) ) and ISNULL(t1.[StornoToTr] ,0)=0 --扣款 union all select U_cardcode,sum(ISNULL(U_total,0))total from [@SPXJZY] group by U_cardcode ---食品上账表 )aa group by aa.cardcode )T14 on t14.cardcode =t11.CardCode LEFT JOIN ( select bb.cardcode,sum( from ( select a.cardcode,sum(b.LineTotal) as total from ORDR a ,RDR1 b ,OCRD c ,oitm d where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.cardcode=c.cardcode and a.CANCELED='N' and (b.U_PSTYPE like '%标准订单%' ) and b.LinManClsd='N' AND (b.itemcode = d.itemcode and d.itmsgrpcod = '103') and a.DocDate >= '20190901' group by a.DocDate,a.cardcode,a.DocEntry ---销售订单 union All select a.cardcode,-sum(b.LineTotal) as total from ORIN a ,RIN1 b ,OCRD c ,oitm d where a.DocEntry=b.DocEntry and a.cardcode=c.cardcode and a.CANCELED='N' and (b.U_PSTYPE like '%标准订单%' ) and isnull(U_CloseBy,'')='' AND (b.itemcode = d.itemcode and d.itmsgrpcod = '103') AND a.DocDate >= '20190901' group by a.DocDate,a.cardcode,a.DocEntry ---销售贷项 )bb group by bb.cardcode )T15 on t15.cardcode=T11.cardcode )T where isnull(t.U_cardcode,'') =@CardCode GO